How To Fix A Sagging Floor In Mobile Home Tutorial Pics
Table of Content Lookout for the Sagging Floor How do I know if my mobile home floor needs to be replaced or repaired? Firming the Floor from the Top Install New Subfloor As seen in this picture, this gives the mobile home owners a complete new flooring system. This will also lower the power bill each month and not allow any varmints or Insects into the Mobile Home. First, you will need to remove the baseboards and any other trim around the floor. Then, you will need to cut through the damaged boards with a saw. Once the boards are cut, you can remove them and replace them with new boards. In other words, they are unsupported where they end under the long walls. If the joists are in good shape, you’re ready to replace the subfloor in the area you’re working on. It’s also a good idea to scab extra 2x6s or 2x8s onto the joists to provide more support and to give you more joist surface to nail or screw to. Sagging floors can be a sign something is wrong with your basement, crawl s...